mysqldump -p --no-data --routines --triggers test allt > allt-data.sql
export /import sh
fields_in="email" fields_out="@usr" file="/tmp/ca.csv" table="table" echo "exporting $fields_in from $table" mysql -u in -N << eof select $fields_in from $table into outfile '$file' fields enclosed by '"' terminated by ';' escaped by '"' lines terminated by '\r\n'; eof [[ $? != 1 ]] || exit echo "importing $fields_out from $file" mysql -u out << eof load data infile '$file' ignore into table usrs fields enclosed by '"' terminated by ';' escaped by '"' lines terminated by '\r\n' ( $fields_out ) set id = @id, usr = @usr; eof [[ $? != 1 ]] || exit
-- check charsets SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S; SELECT CCSA.character_set_name,CCSA.collation_name,T.table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` CCSA WHERE CCSA.collation_name = T.table_collation ; SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, character_set_name FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS` C;
== php
=== utterly complicated csv output <?php $db = new mysqli( '','root','xxx','a'); $res = $db->query( 'select * from t1 order by ide' ); $db_p = new mysqli( '','root','xxx','b'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); while( $row = $res->fetch_assoc( )) { if( $row['id'] == 0 ) { continue; } $res_p = $db_p->query( 'select * from t2 where id = '.$row['id'] ); $row_p = $res_p->fetch_assoc( ); if( $row_p ) { fputcsv($fp, array( $row['id )); }} fclose($fp);
=== primitive searchfield parsing
public function search( $s ) { $q = array( ); $p = array( ); $a = array( ); $s = str_replace( '*', '%', trim( $s )); if( !$s ) { return array( ); } foreach( explode( ' ', $s ) as $sv ) { if( strpos( $sv, '@' ) !== false ) { $q[] = 'tix.e like ?'; $p[] = 's'; $a[] = "%$sv%"; } else { $qv = array( ); foreach( array( 'fn', 'ln' ) as $f ) { $qv[] = "$f like ?"; $p[] = "s"; $a[] = "%$sv%"; } $q[] = '('.implode( ' or ', $qv ).')'; } } $q = 'select tix.*, as crewname from tix, usrs where usrs.uname=tix.parent and ('.implode( ' and ', $q ).')'; $res = $this->sql->query( $q,$p,$a ); return $res; }